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Flowers on Wood

Meeting Minutes & News

Otselic Town Board Meeting-September 12, 2023

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Regular meeting of the Otselic Town Board on September 12, 2023, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall, South Otselic, New York

Present: Marjorie Davis, Supervisor; Sadie Allen, Charles Bishop, Jr., Darryl Fox and Jay Graham, Town Council; Louise Perry, Town Clerk

Also present: Steven Forrest, Highway Superintendent; Terry Foor-Pessin; Calvin & Sarah Hite; Allison Miller; Michael Foor-Pessin (7:25 p.m.)

Minutes from the August 8, 2023 meeting were distributed. Motion by D. Fox and seconded by J. Graham to approve the minutes. CARRIED

A letter was submitted by Michael Foor-Pessin to be read during public comment. He reminded the Board that the NYS Comptroller’s Office recommended that the Town adopt a Code of Ethics, complete the delinquent Annual Update Document (AUD) reports and have an independent auditor complete an audit of Town Supervisor records each year. He suggested that the $4,000. paid to the Town Supervisor to complete the 2016 and 2017 AUD reports could be used instead to hire an outside source to complete the reports. He is concerned that these delinquent reports could jeopardize the upcoming water project.

Supv. Davis responded that a Code of Ethics was adopted by the Town. The 2016 AUD report has been submitted to the NYS Comptroller but they are still analyzing it. The information for the other reports is ready to be submitted once the first is approved. She stated that it would be a huge cost to have the reports done by an outside source.

Town Historian Michael Sheridan submitted an annual report and budget request.

Supv. Davis spoke about the Chenango County Vision 2050 Survey and encouraged all to complete it either online or using a paper form. The Town Hall handicapped ramp has been completed. Joshua Brown also addressed the porch roof leaking problem. Clerk Perry ordered a plaque through Savurn Memorials which was installed on a stone and placed at the Town Park plum tree planted to commemorate the Town’s Bicentennial in 2017. This memorial was paid for with remaining bicentennial committee funds and assistance from the Otselic Valley Fishing & Heritage Association. The mobile home abandoned on West Benson Road was moved by the owner so the Town or County did not have to deal with it.

Councilman D. Fox reported that the South Otselic Water District Advisory Committee met on August 16. They are working on writing a new policy for the district. The next meeting is September 13.

Motion by C. Bishop, Jr. and seconded by J. Graham to cover the expense of sending Christopher Freeman and Darryl Fox to a Water Treatment Plant Operator Certification Course in Oswego September 18-22, 2023. Cost is $625.00/person. CARRIED

Councilman D. Fox questioned progress on the Bond Anticipation Note and if the Town is on schedule for bids on the water improvement project for January or February. He suggested that Engineer Jack Dodson be contacted for a possible meeting.

The letter prepared to send to all water district property owners regarding the upcoming charges for the project loan and EDU assignments was approved by the South Otselic Water District Advisory Board. Motion by C. Bishop, Jr. and seconded by S. Allen to approve the letter as well so it can be mailed with the October billing. CARRIED

Two quotes were received for a road to the water tower: MD Excavation $23,900; Swayze Excavation $11,960. As the scope of work differed between these quotes, specifications for the job need to be prepared. ARPA funds can be used to pay for this project.

Councilwoman S. Allen reported on a dog bite incident on Ridge Road. She suggested that Brian Franklin who is the Dog Control Officer for the Towns of Pharsalia and Plymouth may be interested in the Town of Otselic position. He would be requesting $2,500/year + mileage. It was suggested that he reach out to speak with the Board.

Councilman D. Fox stated that for a future incident like the abandoned mobile home he would like to have the Town Attorney contacted instead of seeking advice from the County Attorney.

M. Foor-Pessin presented information on the invasive plant, Japanese Knotweed, and efforts some communities are taking to try to control it. The Otselic Valley Fishing & Heritage Association has a schedule of programs discussing the Otselic River from Georgetown to Whitney Point, the culture around it, the health of the river, its recreational potentials, erosion and evasive plants. The first step is educating the public about the Knotweed. He is concerned that digging for the water district project could spread this plant.

Supv. Davis distributed a NYS Guidebook to Planning Boards. A Town Planning Board would consist of 5 or 7 members. Training is required. The Board should decide what responsibilities they want a Planning Board to have.

Supv. Davis asked for some input from the Board as she will begin creating the tentative budget for 2024. Items to be considered are the 2% tax cap, salary raises suggested at 4%, the Association of Towns membership, asking the highway employees to pay the increase in their health insurance and adding a court clerk salary.

Councilman D. Fox spoke about budgeting for CHIPS expenses and having more information from the Highway Superintendent for budget planning.

Councilman C. Bishop, Jr. suggested that going forward the Supervisor’s bookkeeping and completion of the AUD reports be done by an outside person.

C. Hite stated that health insurance costs being shared by employees is common practice. He stated that other towns must deal with the same issues of highway department spending and CHIPS reimbursement.

M. Foor-Pessin suggested that the Board figure out the parameters for a planning board first then have a public meeting seeking individuals who might be interested in serving.

He also stated that the vast majority of town supervisors in Madison County have bookkeepers.

Supv. Davis distributed her financial reports.

Bills read for approval:

General Fund Abstract #089-096 $4,199.72

Highway Fund Abstract #074-083 $56,941.67

SOWD Fund Abstract #039-042 $1,734.02

Total $62,875.41

Motion by C. Bishop, Jr. and seconded by S. Allen to approve payment of these bills. CARRIED

Motion by J. Graham and seconded by C. Bishop, Jr. to adjourn the meeting. CARRIED 10:05 p.m.


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